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 Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4

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2 participantes

Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 08/09/2009
Edad : 37
Localización : Quilmes

Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4 Empty
MensajeTema: Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4   Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4 I_icon_minitimeLun Feb 15, 2010 10:45 am

Rcon server
/rcon login "pass"

/rcon promod_mode knockout_mr12
/rcon promod_mode knocout/match_mr12

/rcon sv_hostname despues de eso el name del server

/rcon map "mapname" :: Cargar el mapa seleccionado, el nombre los mapas podeis verlos en el otro F.A.Q
/rcon map_rotate :: Cargar siguiente mapa de la rotación.
/rcon serverinfo :: Muestra la configuración del server.
/rcon map_restart :: Reinicia el mapa.
/rcon setfriendlyfire x :: Cambiar x por 0 (off), 1 (ON) o 2 (reflejado)
/rcon setdrawfriend x :: 0 (Quita los iconos de encima de la cabeza) o 1 (los activa).
/rcon scr_forcerespawn x :: Fuerza a los jugadores a tener respawn (sólo en DM y TDM).
/rcon status :: Muestra la información de todos los jugadores.
/rcon tell "id" :: Manda un mensaje privado al jugador con esa id.
/rcon g_gravity x :: Cambia la gravedad, por defecto es 800.
/rcon g_speed x :: Cambia la velocidad, por defecto es 190.
/rcon say x :: Poner mensaje en la consola, cambiar x por el texto.
/rcon quit :: Reiniciar el server, útil para hacer algunos cambios.
/rcon dedicated x :: x se cambia por 0 (listen servers), 1 (LAN dedicated) o 2 (Internet dedicated).
/rcon sv_pure x :: 0 (no chequear) o 1 (chequear pk3).
/rcon scr_motd "mensaje de bienvenida" :: Poner un mensaje para todos los que entren al servidor.
/rcon sv_hostname "nombre" :: Cambiar el nombre del server.
/rcon g_banIPs :: Mostrar las ip's baneadas.
/rcon g_password "contraseña" :: Cambiar la contraseña del server.
/rcon rconpassword "contraseña" :: Cambiar la contraseña de la rcon.

/rcon g_gametype :: Cambiar el modo de juego a BEL, DM, TDM, RS o SD.
/rcon sv_maxclients :: limitar el máximo de jugadores en el server.
/rcon sv_kickbantime :: Cambiar el tiempo de los ban's temporales (en segundos).
/rcon sv_punkbuster :: Activar o desactivar el PB.

/rcon status :: Facilita el número de cliente de cada jugador
/rcon kick "nombre" :: Expulsar al jugador por su nombre.
/rcon clientkick "#número" :: Expulsar al jugador por el número de cliente.
/rcon banUser "nombre" :: Banea a un jugador por el nombre. Escribe su guid en "ban.txt".
/rcon banClient "#número" :: Banea a un jugador por el número de cliente. Escribe su guid en "ban.txt".
/rcon g_banIps "ip" :: Banea al jugador por ip. Separa la dirección ip por espacios.
/rcon tempBanUser "nombre" :: Expulsa temporalmente a un jugador por el nombre
/rcon tempBanClient" #número" :: Expulsa temporalmente a un jugador por el número de cliente.
/rcon sv_kickbantime :: Cambiar el tiempo de los ban's temporales (en segundos).
/rcon unban "nombre" Desbanea a un jugador por el nombre. Deberás cambiar manualmente el "ban.txt".

Si tienes un servidor privado, y quieres ponerlo en el típico DM con armas restringidas, estos son los comandos para quitar las armas (recordar que 0 para desactivarla y 1 para activarlas):

/rcon scr_allow_bar
/rcon scr_allow_bazooka
/rcon scr_allow_bren
/rcon scr_allow_dp28
/rcon scr_allow_flamethrower
/rcon scr_allow_gewehr43
/rcon scr_allow_enfield
/rcon scr_allow_fg42
/rcon scr_allow_flamethrower
/rcon scr_allow_grenades
/rcon scr_allow_kar98k
/rcon scr_allow_kar98ksniper
/rcon scr_allow_m1carbine
/rcon scr_allow_m1garand
/rcon scr_allow_mg30
/rcon scr_allow_mg34
/rcon scr_allow_mp40
/rcon scr_allow_mp44
/rcon scr_allow_nagant
/rcon scr_allow_nagantsniper
/rcon scr_allow_panzerfaust
/rcon scr_allow_pistols
/rcon scr_allow_ppsh
/rcon scr_allow_satchel
/rcon scr_allow_smoke
/rcon scr_allow_springfield
/rcon scr_allow_sten
/rcon scr_allow_svt40
/rcon scr_allow_thompson


rcon pb_sv_update - rcon pb_sv_restart


Captures and saves a screen shot based on the parameters found in the PB_SSOPTIONS setting listed below; described more fully in the Screen Capture Facility section

PB_Kick [slot #]
Requests that a specific player be removed from the game; this command is part of the PB Player Power facility

PB_Load [File Name]
Loads the specified PunkBuster config file which can contain commands and/or setting changes

Displays your PunkBuster GUID. The GUID is used by PunkBuster to identify players and it is based on the CDKey entered into the game

Requests that the connected PunkBuster Server display a list of players and their current status to the console

Requests that the connected PunkBuster Server display a list of players and their current PB Player Power status to the console

Sets and/or displays the parameters used for taking local PunkBuster Screenshots; used by the Screen Capture Facility

Displays the currently running version of the PunkBuster Client software

Writes the current values of the PunkBuster settings to the local hard drive (creating or overwriting files called pbcl.cfg and pbcllog.cfg) in such a way that they will be loaded automatically the next time PunkBuster starts; if you make changes to your PunkBuster settings and you want the changes to be permanent, then enter this command after making the changes

PB_AutoExec [Filename]
Holds the name of a game script file that is to be executed each time a server is joined; This is useful if you need to reset game settings each time you join a server

PB_Lan [0=no, 1=yes]
Defaults to 0; when set to 1, PB will behave as though it has no Internet access

PB_LogAddr [Address / Internet Hostname]
Holds the address of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is empty meaning the feature is not used)

PB_LogMD5Tool [0=no, 1=yes]
Setting defaults to 0; setting to 1 will cause PB to log all MD5Tool file check query replies sent to connected PB Servers during gameplay

PB_LogPort [Port #]
Holds the listen port of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is 0 meaning the feature is not used)

PB_LogPw [Password]
Holds the password required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_LogToFile [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 1, PunkBuster will log activity to the pbcl.log file; the default is 0 which meansonly errors are logged

PB_LogUser [Username]
Holds the username required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_MsgPrefix [New Prefix]
Holds the text that PunkBuster displays in front of every output line displayed; the default is "PunkBuster Client".

PB_Security [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 0, PunkBuster will accept all "update" files without verifying that they are authentic; the default is 1 which should not normally be changed except for LAN environments where there is no Internet Access and/or you fully trust the Servers you are connecting to

PB_Sleep [Period]
Holds the period of time (milliseconds) that PunkBuster "sleeps" between processing cycles; the default is 60; lower numbers will cause PunkBuster to process events more times each second which also has the effect of increasing the bandwidth used by PunkBuster; Players with a modem connection will probably want to set this as high as possible

PB_SsLog [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 1 (which is the default), PunkBuster will create an entry in the pbsslog.htm log file every time a PunkBuster Server requests a screenshot to be taken and delivered; this log file is designed to be viewed with a web browser and contains information about the size of the image, when it was taken, and also a digital signature of the image itself

PB_SsSave [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 1 (0 is the default), PunkBuster will save all Server-requested Screenshots to the local hard drive so that Players can see the actual screenshots that have been delivered to Game Servers that they were connected to; if this setting and the PB_SsLog setting are both set to 1, then the pbsslog.htm log file will automatically have links created for local viewing directly from the log file

PB_System [0/1]
PB can conflict with other software on some systems due to vigorous memory scanning; Changing this setting may reduce or eliminate conflicts if you have problems on your system; this setting can only be changed before connecting to a server by editing the pbsys.cfg file in your PB folder. This file is created the first time you run PB.

Captures and saves a screen shot based on the parameters found in the PB_SSOPTIONS setting listed below; described more fully in the Screen Capture Facility section

PB_Kick [slot #]
Requests that a specific player be removed from the game; this command is part of the PB Player Power facility

PB_Load [File Name]
Loads the specified PunkBuster config file which can contain commands and/or setting changes

Displays your PunkBuster GUID. The GUID is used by PunkBuster to identify players and it is based on the CDKey entered into the game

Requests that the connected PunkBuster Server display a list of players and their current status to the console

Requests that the connected PunkBuster Server display a list of players and their current PB Player Power status to the console

Sets and/or displays the parameters used for taking local PunkBuster Screenshots; used by the Screen Capture Facility

Displays the currently running version of the PunkBuster Client software

Writes the current values of the PunkBuster settings to the local hard drive (creating or overwriting files called pbcl.cfg and pbcllog.cfg) in such a way that they will be loaded automatically the next time PunkBuster starts; if you make changes to your PunkBuster settings and you want the changes to be permanent, then enter this command after making the changes

PB_AutoExec [Filename]
Holds the name of a game script file that is to be executed each time a server is joined; This is useful if you need to reset game settings each time you join a server

PB_Lan [0=no, 1=yes]
Defaults to 0; when set to 1, PB will behave as though it has no Internet access

PB_LogAddr [Address / Internet Hostname]
Holds the address of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is empty meaning the feature is not used)

PB_LogMD5Tool [0=no, 1=yes]
Setting defaults to 0; setting to 1 will cause PB to log all MD5Tool file check query replies sent to connected PB Servers during gameplay

PB_LogPort [Port #]
Holds the listen port of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is 0 meaning the feature is not used)

PB_LogPw [Password]
Holds the password required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_LogToFile [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 1, PunkBuster will log activity to the pbcl.log file; the default is 0 which meansonly errors are logged

PB_LogUser [Username]
Holds the username required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_MsgPrefix [New Prefix]
Holds the text that PunkBuster displays in front of every output line displayed; the default is "PunkBuster Client".

PB_Security [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 0, PunkBuster will accept all "update" files without verifying that they are authentic; the default is 1 which should not normally be changed except for LAN environments where there is no Internet Access and/or you fully trust the Servers you are connecting to

PB_Sleep [Period]
Holds the period of time (milliseconds) that PunkBuster "sleeps" between processing cycles; the default is 60; lower numbers will cause PunkBuster to process events more times each second which also has the effect of increasing the bandwidth used by PunkBuster; Players with a modem connection will probably want to set this as high as possible

PB_SsLog [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 1 (which is the default), PunkBuster will create an entry in the pbsslog.htm log file every time a PunkBuster Server requests a screenshot to be taken and delivered; this log file is designed to be viewed with a web browser and contains information about the size of the image, when it was taken, and also a digital signature of the image itself

PB_SsSave [0=no, 1=yes]
When set to 1 (0 is the default), PunkBuster will save all Server-requested Screenshots to the local hard drive so that Players can see the actual screenshots that have been delivered to Game Servers that they were connected to; if this setting and the PB_SsLog setting are both set to 1, then the pbsslog.htm log file will automatically have links created for local viewing directly from the log file

PB_System [0/1]
PB can conflict with other software on some systems due to vigorous memory scanning; Changing this setting may reduce or eliminate conflicts if you have problems on your system; this setting can only be changed before connecting to a server by editing the pbsys.cfg file in your PB folder. This file is created the first time you run PB.

Technical Violations: (Resolution: Reinstall PunkBuster from the latest game update patch)
#101 - Communication Failure
#102 - Communication Failure
#131 - Initialization Failure
#132 - Protocol Error
#141 - Distress (This indicates a problem trying to update to the latest version of PunkBuster - it may indicate a problem reaching one of our Internet-based Master PB Servers which can be caused by firewalls, router problems, etc.)

Miscellaneous Violations:
#111 - Bad Name (Resolution: Change player name or play on a different server)
#112 - Too Many Bad Names
#113 - Too Many Name Changes (Designed to eliminate name change spamming)
#114 - Protected Name (Resolution: Change player name or play on a different server)
#121 - Negative Score Too Low (usually from Killing Teammates)
#151 - Extended ASCII Characters in Player Name (Resolution: use regular letters, numbers and symbols in the player name or play on a different server)
#9001 - CVAR value failed range check (see the FAQ for more info)

Integrity Violations:
When PunkBuster is unable to verify that a player's gaming environment is functioning properly and/or has not been alterred, an Integrity violation is raised. This also involves the detection of modified game or PunkBuster files. These violation numbers are between 10000 and 29999.

Cheat/Hack Violations:
When PunkBuster detects a cheat or hack by repeated positive identification on a player's computer, a violation is raised. These violation numbers are 50000 and higher. Families of cheats are listed below. Resolution: Remove cheats and hacks from the computer.
#50000s - Aimbot
#60000s - Wallhack
#70000s - Multihack
#80000s - Gamehack
#90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers
#100000s - Speedhack
#110000s - Autofire
#120000s - Game Hook
#130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack

Para admins

PB_SV_AutoUpdBan [0/1]
Set to 1 (defaults to 0) if you want PB to automatically update the permanent ban file (pbbans.dat) after each change to the banlist in memory

PB_SV_BadName [grace_seconds] [text_filter]
Adds a bad name to the list of bad names for the server to disallow in player names

PB_SV_BadNameDel [slot #]
Deletes a bad name from the list of bad names

Displays the current bad name list for the Game Server; see the section dealing with the Player Name Management Facility

PB_SV_Ban [name or slot #] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]
Removes a player from the game and permanently bans that player from the server based on the player's guid (based on the cdkey); the ban is logged and also written to the pbbans.dat file in the pb folder

Empties the current ban list stored in memory

PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [IP_Address] [reason]
Adds a guid directly to PB's permanent ban list; if the player_name or IP_Address are not known, we recommend using "???"

PB_SV_BanList [optional_search_text]
Displays the list of bans in the console, including kicks with a temporary ban; if the [optional_search_text] parameter is specified, then only bans/kicks that include the search text are listed (useful for searching for a specific name / guid).

PB_SV_BanLoad [optional filename]
Loads a PB Ban List from the specified file; if no filename specified, then pbbans.dat is loaded

PB_SV_BanMask [IP Address / Subnet Mask]
Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask "12.34." will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with "12.34."; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command

Disables the PunkBuster Server Software - the disabling does not take effect until the game server is exited and restarted

Enables the PunkBuster Server Software

PB_SV_GetSs [player_name_or_slot#]
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_IPGuard [IP Address]
The PunkBuster Server automatically adds suspicious IP Addresses to the IP Guard list when players join with a non-functioning PunkBuster client; Players joining from a guarded IP with an old version of PunkBuster are removed from the server; The PB_SV_IPGuard command allows admins to add their own suspicious IP Addresses to the list

PB_SV_Kick [name or slot #] [minutes] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]
Removes a player from the game and won't let the player rejoin until specified [minutes] has passed or until the server is restarted, whichever comes first - kicks are not written to the pbbans.dat file but they are logged and will show up in the output from the pb_sv_banlist command

PB_SV_Load [File Name]
Loads the specified PunkBuster configuration file which can contain PunkBuster commands and/or setting changes

PB_SV_NameLock [GUID or partial match] [Name to Lock]
Causes the PunkBuster Server to kick players wearing a locked name unless the player's GUID contains the specified GUID or partial match associated with a locked name; NameLocks are not stored to disk automatically so Admins should add these to the pbsvuser.cfg file in order to have NameLocks extend to future server sessions

Empties the list of NameLocks in memory

Displays the list of NameLocks to the server console

Causes PunkBuster to close the current PunkBuster log and open a new one

Displays a list of connected players and their current status

PB_SV_Power [slot #] [power rating]
Adds player in specified slot # to the locally stored PB Player Power database with the specified power rating.

PB_SV_PowerList [filter]
Displays a list of Power Players in the database; if filter is specified, then only entries where the filter is either in the guid and/or name fields are displayed

PB_SV_PowerPoints [power slot #] [points]
Changes the number of Power Points assigned to a Power Player in the database; use the PB_SV_PowerList command to get the power slot #

PB_SV_ProtectName [Unique ID] [Registered Name]
Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Name on the local server so that players who wear the protected name without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server

PB_SV_ProtectTag [Unique ID] [Registered Tag]
Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Tag on the local server so that players who wear the protected tag without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server

PB_SV_ReBan [slot #]
Rebans a player who has been mistakenly Unbanned with the pb_sv_unban command; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

PB_SV_Task [X] [Y] [command]
Adds a task to PB's Task List; The Task will be executed X seconds after entry and every Y seconds thereafter; use -1 for Y if a one-time task is desired; this can be used to execute game server commands as well as PB commands

PB_SV_TaskDel [task slot #]
Removes the task from PB's Task List that corresponds to the specified task slot #

Empties the list of Tasks in memory

Displays a list of PB Tasks along with a task slot # for each task

PB_SV_UnBan [slot #]
Unbans a player from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

PB_SV_UnBanGuid [guid]
Unbans a guid from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

Forces the PB Server to attempt a PB software update even if no players are currently connected

PB_SV_UpdBanFile [optional filename]
Updates the specified ban file (pbbans.dat is used if none specified) with regard to recent unbans/rebans

Displays the currently running version of the PunkBuster Server software

Writes the current values of the PunkBuster Server settings to the local hard drive (creating or overwriting a file called pbsv.cfg) in such a way that they will be loaded automatically the next time the PunkBuster Server starts; server admins who wish to manage multiple config files for different situations will usually not use this command at all

PB_SV_AutoSs [0/1]
Set to 1 (default is 0) if you want the PB server to regularly retrieve screen shots from connected players

PB_SV_AutoSsFrom [Seconds]
Minimum number of seconds (default is 60) PB will wait before requesting a screen shot after the previous request from each player

PB_SV_AutoSsTo [Seconds]
Maximum number of seconds (default is 1200 = 20 minutes) PB will wait before requesting a screen shot after the previous request from each player

PB_SV_ExtChar [0/1]
The default setting of 0 tells PunkBuster to disallow extended ASCII Characters in player names; for the purposes of this command, characters that cannot be easily entered with simple keystrokes are considered extended

PB_SV_GameAuth [0/1]
The default setting is 1. When set to 0, this tells PB that the server is currently not authorizing players with the central Internet Authorization system; while this setting is 0, the PB Server will not kick players and will display a message to that effect once per minute to all players; once the PB Server sees that players are getting authed, it will set this to 1 automatically; this is useful for times when the auth servers are down and admins don't want to disable PB; when a PB Enabled server is not authing players (including LAN servers), PB will not operate in a normal fashion

PB_SV_HttpAddr [IP Address]
The IP Address of the computer running the PunkBuster WebTool; if this setting is left empty ("" which is the default), then the WebTool will only operate properly when used with a web browser running on the same machine as PunkBuster itself (i.e. using as the IP address)

PB_SV_HttpKey [Key (password) for WebTool use]
The Key or Password used by the WebTool to limit access to its features; if this setting is left empty ("" which is the default), then the game server's admin password will be used instead; if both are empty, then the WebTool will not be usable at all

PB_SV_HttpPort [Port Number]
The TCP port number used by the WebTool's http server; this setting defaults to 0 which means the WebTool is deactivated

PB_SV_HttpRefresh [Number]
The number of seconds between auto-refreshes of the Player List screen inside the WebTool; setting this to 999 means that the page will not auto-refresh at all -->

PB_SV_KickLen [Minutes]
The number of minutes (default is 2) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after getting kicked by PunkBuster

PB_SV_LanMask [IP Subnet Mask]
This setting is used for Internet Servers that also have local LAN game clients connecting; it should be set to hold the subnet of the LAN; for example, if the LAN IP Addresses are 192.168.1.x, then set pb_sv_lanmask to 192.168.1

PB_SV_LogAddr [Address / Internet Hostname]
Holds the address of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is empty meaning the feature is not used)

PB_SV_LogCeiling [Number]
The highest serial number (default is 1000) that PunkBuster will use in numbering its log files before starting over at 1

PB_SV_LogNext [Number]
The next serial number that PB will use to name a PB log file; this setting is automatically maintained by PunkBuster and is incremented after each map change by the Game Server as PB opens a new log file

PB_SV_LogPort [Port #]
Holds the listen port of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is 0 meaning the feature is not used)

PB_SV_LogPw [Password]
Holds the password required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_SV_LogUser [Username]
Holds the username required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_SV_MaxConDls [Number]
The maximum number (default is 3) of PB updates that PB will attempt to download at the same time

PB_SV_MaxDlRate [KB/sec]
The (roughly) maximum bandwidth (default is 1 KB/sec) requested per file for PB update downloads

PB_SV_MsgPrefix [New Prefix]
Holds the text that the PunkBuster Server displays in front of every output line displayed; the default is "PunkBuster Server"

PB_SV_NoGuidGrace [Seconds]
Holds the number of seconds PB will wait (default is 1) before kicking players who join without having a GUID; Refusing to enter a CDKey into the game causes the "no guid" condition

PB_SV_PowerDef [power points]
Holds the default number of Player Power points (default is 1) assigned to players who are not in the locally stored PB Player Power database

PB_SV_PowerKickLen [minutes]
The number of minutes (default is 5) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after being removed via the PB Player Power facility

PB_SV_PowerMin [power points]
A player is removed from the server when the number of power points applied against him/her is equal to or greater than the value of this setting (default is 10)

PB_SV_Sleep [Period]
Holds the period of time (milliseconds) that the PunkBuster Server "sleeps" between processing cycles; lower numbers will cause PunkBuster to process more times each second which also may have the effect of marginally increasing the bandwidth used by PunkBuster

PB_SV_SsCeiling [Number]
The highest serial number (default is 100) that PB will use in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players before starting over at the PB_SV_SsFloor value

PB_SV_SsCmd [Filename]
The name of the script file (default is "" empty which means "not used") that PB calls after each screen shot PNG image file is received; this can be used by admins to copy or otherwise process screenshot files that are obtained automatically during gameplay. For security reasons, all path names to the script file must start with "\pb" (windows) or "/pb" (linux) and be located in the working pb folder.

PB_SV_SsDelay [Seconds]
When this is non-zero (default is 0), then each PB client will wait a random number of seconds up to the value of this setting after receiving the request before actually capturing a screen image for sending back to the server

PB_SV_SsFloor [Number]
The lowest serial number (default is 1) that PB will use in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players

PB_SV_SsHeight [Pixels]
The requested height (default is 240 pixels) of images captured by PunkBuster Clients for sending to the PB Server

PB_SV_SsNext [Number]
The next serial number that PB will use to name a PNG screen shot image file

PB_SV_SsPath [Path]
If specified (default is "" empty), PB will write captured screen shot images obtained from connected players to this alternate location, this can be a network share or some other location where you would prefer to place screen shot images and the "helper" htm files that go with them

PB_SV_SsSRate [Number]
The sample rate (default is 1) used for capturing screen shots, specifies how many pixels get skipped in the processing of the image to keep file sizes down; if set to 2, then only every 2nd pixel is taken (in both horizontal and vertical directions); if set to 4, then only every 4th pixel is taken

PB_SV_SsWidth [Pixels]
The requested width (default is 320 pixels) of images captured by PunkBuster Clients for sending to the PB Server

PB_SV_SsXPct [Percentage]
The percentage across the screen (default is 50%) where the center of the requested screenshot should be captured from

PB_SV_SsYPct [Percentage]
The percentage down the screen (default is 50%) where the center of the requested screenshot should be captured from

PB_SV_UpdateGrace [Seconds]
Holds the number of seconds (default is 600) that PunkBuster allows for a player to successfully update to the version of PunkBuster currently in use at the server

PunkBuster allows Server Admins to request and retrieve actual screenshot images being displayed on the gaming monitor of players currently connected to the game server. It is very easy to request a screenshot from one or more players and also to set up automatic screenshot capturing. Several advanced features are available for Admins who want to tweak their systems. The defaults are fine for most Admins and are a good place to start when getting a feel for how the Screen Capture Facility works.

There are two ways to capture screen shots: Manually and Automatically. Some Admins will do both types. To Manually request a screenshot from all connected players, simply type "PB_SV_GETSS" into the Game Server console and after a few seconds, you will start seeing messages about where newly retrieved screenshots were written to your hard drive and what their filenames are. PB names screenshot image files using incrementing sequential serial numbers and they always have the PNG extension. PNG graphic files are similar to GIF and JPG files - they combine the best of both worlds with respect to the type of images found in most computer games. Along with each screenshot image (PNG) file, PunkBuster also writes a "helper" HTM file with the same filename so that you can use any web browser, such as Netscape or IE, to easily view your captured screenshots. Furthermore, all screenshot requests are logged to one specific HTM file called pbsvss.htm so that the list is made available on one scrolling screen as an index for quick and easy viewing.

If you wish to take a manual screenshot of only one or a few connected players, you can specify either the player's slot number directly or you can specify a text substring and PB will request screenshots from all players whose names contain the specified search text. To find the slot # of a specific player, type PB_SV_PLIST into the console. Column one contains the slot # for each connected player in the list. To request screenshots from all players with the text "ABC" in their name, type PB_SV_GETSS "ABC" (note the quotes are necessary when specifying name substrings).

To set up Automatic Screenshot Capturing, set the PB_SV_AUTOSS setting to 1 (the default is 0). Then you may want to change the values of the PB_SV_AUTOSSFROM and PB_SV_AUTOSSTO settings to specify how often PunkBuster will request screenshots from each connected player. Both of these settings are measured in seconds and the defaults are 60 and 1200 respectively which means that the PunkBuster Server will request a new screenshot randomly anywhere from 1 to 20 minutes after each previous request for each connected player.

Note that regardless of the combination of manual and automatic screenshot requests submitted during gameplay, the PunkBuster system limits screen shots in two ways. First, each individual screenshot is limited to 82,000 pixels in an effort to keep image file sizes and transfer bandwidth requirements down. If you set your parameters (described below) to request images that contain more than 82,000 pixels, then PunkBuster will automatically reduce the image size until the actual capture fits within the limitation. Also, PunkBuster will not allow more than 3 screenshots to be requested from each player within any 10 minute period, nor allow a screenshot to be requested within 30 seconds of the previous request. The PB_SV_PLIST command used to display information about connected players has a column called "RecentSS" which shows the number of requests for each player within the last 10 minutes.

Also, Admins should keep in mind that PunkBuster will not take a screenshot from a player who has minimized his local game or who has an application active other than the game itself. In those cases, an empty black screenshot image is sent with text at the bottom explaining why the Capture failed. Also, there are a few video display setups that cannot be correctly captured at this time. These setups also do not allow the game itself to take screenshots using the built-in non-PunkBuster method.

The following settings can be used to customize the Screen Capture Facility:

PB_SV_SSWIDTH and PB_SV_SSHEIGHT are used to request a specific size image in pixels. The default is 320 x 240. If a size is requested that is larger than the actual resolution on a player's system, then PB will automatically reduce the appropriate parameter to match the size of the resolution. For example, if a screenshot of 800x600 resolution is requested from a player running the game in 640x480 resolution, then PB will take the image at 640x480 resolution automatically.

PB_SV_XPCT and PB_SV_YPCT are used to specify where on the full playing screen that the capture is to be centered. The default is 50 and 50 so that the capture comes from the center of the playing screen. Using lower numbers moves the captured area toward the left (in the case of XPCT) and upper (in the case of YPCT) portions of the screen and using higher numbers moves the area towards the right and lower portions of the screen respectively. If XPCT and/or YPCT are set to -1, then a random percentage between 0 and 100 will be used for each individual capture request - this has the effect of capturing different (randomized) portions of the playing screen each time a capture is taken.

PB_SV_SSSRATE sets the sample rate for the capture. The Sample Rate can be set to take less pixels from a larger area of the screen to, in effect, compact a larger picture into a smaller size by simply skipping pixels. Sample Rates of 1, 2 and 4 are available. Using a Sample Rate of 2 will reduce image file sizes to about one fourth of normal (Sample Rate 1) and using 4 will reduce to about one sixteenth. The reduction in file size does affect the clarity of the image. It is always best to use Sample Rate of 1 unless you desire to capture large portions of the playing screen and don't mind losing some clarity in the resulting image. Even with the 82,000 pixel limit, it is possible to capture images at 1280x1024 using a sample rate of 4 for the relatively few players who play in very high resolutions.

PB_SV_SSDELAY causes the PB Client to wait a random number of seconds (up to 60) after receiving the capture request before actually capturing the image.

PB_SV_SSPATH can be configured to hold an alternate location where captured screenshots are to be written. This can be a network share if desired. The default is "" (empty) which means the pb/svss subfolder holds captured screen shots and related support files.

PB_SV_SSFLOOR, PB_SV_SSCEILING, and PB_SV_SSNEXT deal with the way captured screenshot images are named as they are saved to files at the PB server. The PB_SV_SSNEXT setting holds the serial number that PB will use for the next captured filename - for example if PB_SV_SSNEXT is 250, then the next captured image will have a filename of pb000250.png (and it's "helper" file will be named pb000250.htm). The PB_SV_SSNEXT setting is incremented and maintained automatically by the PB system but can be set manually if desired. The FLOOR and CEILING settings specify the from and to range for the screenshot filenames captured by this server. Using the PB_SV_SSPATH command mentioned above, Admins who run multiple servers may want to have all PB Servers send captured screenshots to a central location. The FLOOR and CEILING settings allow the admin to give each PB Server its own unique range of filenames to use so that there is never any overlap in the central archive.

PB_SV_SSCMD holds the name of a local script (batch) file that PB will execute automatically after each screen shot is retrieved successfully. The default value of this setting is "" (empty) which means that PB will not run a local script at all after image captures. PunkBuster passes the full image filename with path as a parameter to the script. This is for advanced Admins who wish to automate the processing, archiving, and/or publishing of screenshots (such as to a web server).


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Cantidad de envíos : 89
Fecha de inscripción : 02/09/2009
Edad : 45
Localización : Esperanza - Santa Fe

Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4 Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4   Comandos rcon y Pb Cod 4 I_icon_minitimeLun Feb 15, 2010 10:48 am

Realmente muy buena información en verdad
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